Bruna Esposito takes part at “Resistance & Sensibility. Collezione Donata Pizzi: women photographers from Italy”: MUSEUM EXHIBITION

Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Frankfurt 1 January - 30 August 2020 
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Frankfurt

The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presented last February the exhibtion of “Resistance & Sensibility.Collezione Donata Pizzi: Women Photographers from Italy“. The exhibition features 150 works from more than 60 contemporary Italian female photographers in the last five decades since 1965, including those by Bruna Esposito.  

he selection from the “Collezione Donata Pizzi” shows various facets of everyday life, social and contemporary history. A main focus is on women’s lives: hopes and illusions, relationships, struggles and going beyond borders are some of the aspects addressed. Rarities in the exhibition include a vintage photograph of women in a political terrorist group and early pictures of transvestites, with a publication that was censored immediately at the time.

True to the collection, the exhibition at the FFF also represents important phases and themes in contemporary Italian photography. The show displays different photographic styles such as photojournalism, documentation and abstraction. In addition, it presents conceptual and experimental artistic positions and supports numerous examples of artwork which illustrate aesthetic, iconographic and technological developments within the history of photography. In terms of content, the works deal with the socio-political changes of their time as well as with role clichés, feminist ideas and questions of identity, relationships and the body.



Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Frankfurt  1/01/2020 – 30/08/2020

Image Credits

Courtesy of Bruna Esposito © Photographs of the exhibition are courtesy of the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt and the Collezionne Donata Pizzi.