María Magdalena Campos-Pons Cuban, b. July 22, 1959

  • "53+1=54+1+55. Letter of the Year" from 2013, by María Magdalena Campos-Pons and Neil Leonard.

This work of art was displayed in the Cuban Pavilion during the Venice Biennale of 2013.[9][34][28] The work comprises 100 bird cages, 55 video players and 18 audio speakers. "Letter of the Year" addresses issues of home, migration, the necessity of finding and redefining the meaning of permanency and locality. Letter of the Year plays with two key sounds in Cuba today.[28] Video interviews in the birdcages document the reconstruction of a dialogue between Cuban residents and their family members who live abroad.[28] Outside the cages one hears recordings of street criers, known as pregoneros, a reflection of the increased liberalization of small businesses that exists within a void of corporate control.[28] In an accompanying guerilla performance in Piazza San Marco Campos-Pons led a procession dressed in a "neo-Byzantine" costume combining elements of Chinese, Spanish and Afro-Caribbean attire, while Leonard performed with a hybrid ensemble of U.S., Cuban and Scottish musicians.[9][32][34] the work was a joint production by Galleria Pack (now Galleria Giampaolo Abbondio) and Federico Luger Gallery, both from Milan.