Danilo Buccella Italian, b. 1974

1974 Born in Liestel, Switzerland.
Lives and works between Milan and New York.


Danilo Buccella is an Italian artist, grandson of a garden architect and raised in the Italian countryside, where at the moment his studio is based. His works can be positioned between figurative and abstract painting. The characters in his paintings are represented in natural environments, always dyed as gloomy and delusional atmospheres, creating magical overtones.

In its entire production, time is suspended between spaces and emotions.


His paintings have been exhibited at Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea de San Marino, Fondazione Durini and Palazzo Reale, both in Milan. He has participated in Anteprima Quadriennale di Roma - Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (GNAM). 

Danilo Buccella's works are part of important private and public collections like Deutsche Bank, Museo di Bergamo and Museo di San Marino.